Mobile manufacturing exceeds 2 billion units through ‘Make in India’ initiative

Mobile manufacturing
Mobile manufacturing exceeds 2 billion units through ‘Make in India’ initiative 2

India has emerged as a global hub for mobile phone manufacturing, with a remarkable milestone achieved as the country surpasses the production of 2 billion mobile units. This accomplishment can be largely attributed to the ‘Make in India’ initiative, a government-led program designed to promote domestic manufacturing and position India as a key player in the global mobile phone industry. In this article, we will explore the journey of ‘Make in India,’ the factors contributing to its success, and the implications of this achievement.

The ‘Make in India’ Initiative:

Launched in September 2014 by the Government of India, the ‘Make in India’ initiative was introduced to encourage both multinational and domestic companies to establish manufacturing facilities within the country. The primary objective was to boost domestic production, create employment opportunities, and reduce the nation’s dependence on imported goods.

Under the ‘Make in India’ umbrella, the electronics manufacturing sector, including mobile phones, was identified as a priority area. To facilitate this, several policies, incentives, and reforms were introduced to attract investments and streamline the manufacturing process.

Factors Contributing to the Success:

The success of ‘Make in India’ in mobile manufacturing can be attributed to several key factors:

Attractive Incentives: The Indian government offered a range of incentives to manufacturers, including financial incentives, subsidies, and tax benefits. These incentives were designed to make India an appealing destination for setting up production units.

Robust Ecosystem: Over the years, India has developed a comprehensive ecosystem for mobile manufacturing. This includes a skilled workforce, established supply chains, and a network of component suppliers.

Large Domestic Market: India’s massive population and growing middle class provided a vast domestic market for mobile phones, making it an attractive location for manufacturers.

Global Players’ Participation: Many leading global smartphone manufacturers, including Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi, and others, set up manufacturing units in India. Their involvement played a significant role in boosting the country’s mobile production.

Ease of Doing Business: The Indian government worked on improving the ease of doing business, simplifying regulatory procedures, and reducing bureaucratic hurdles for companies.

Local Sourcing Norms: To promote domestic component manufacturing, the government introduced policies that required manufacturers to source a portion of their components locally. This encouraged the growth of the component industry within India.

Skilled Workforce: India’s pool of skilled labor played a crucial role in the success of the initiative. The country’s engineers, technicians, and labor force were readily available for manufacturing operations.

Implications of Surpassing 2 Billion Units:

The achievement of producing over 2 billion mobile units in India carries significant implications:

Economic Growth: Mobile manufacturing has been a major contributor to India’s economic growth. The industry has created jobs, driven investment, and boosted the country’s GDP.

Reduced Import Dependency: With the exponential growth of mobile manufacturing, India has reduced its dependency on imported mobile devices, leading to substantial cost savings and a favorable trade balance.

Global Export Hub: India is not only catering to its domestic market but is also becoming an export hub for mobile phones. Indian-made smartphones are being exported to various countries, further strengthening the nation’s position in the global market.

Technology Transfer: The ‘Make in India’ initiative has also facilitated technology transfer, as manufacturers are now not just assembling phones but also producing components and conducting research and development activities in the country.

Competitive Advantage: The success of ‘Make in India’ has given India a competitive edge in the global mobile manufacturing sector. It has attracted investments and positioned the country as a formidable player in the industry.

Job Creation: Mobile manufacturing has been a significant source of employment, directly and indirectly creating jobs for a vast number of people in the country.

Challenges Ahead:

While the ‘Make in India’ initiative has witnessed tremendous success in the mobile manufacturing sector, it also faces some challenges:

Sustainable Growth: Maintaining the growth momentum and ensuring it is sustainable is crucial. This involves addressing issues like infrastructure development and improving logistics.

Quality Control: Ensuring the quality of manufactured devices is essential to meet global standards and maintain consumer trust.

Innovation and Research: To become a true technology hub, India must focus on innovation and research and development to stay ahead in the global competition.

Supply Chain Challenges: India needs to develop a robust supply chain for components, reducing dependency on imports.

Global Market Penetration: While India has made strides in manufacturing, Indian brands need to make a more significant impact in the global smartphone market.


Surpassing 2 billion mobile units is a significant milestone for India and a testament to the success of the ‘Make in India’ initiative. The country has established itself as a manufacturing powerhouse and a critical player in the global mobile phone industry. As India continues to grow and evolve as a hub for mobile manufacturing, it is essential to address challenges, sustain growth, and focus on quality and innovation to secure its position in the global market. The ‘Make in India’ initiative’s success in the mobile manufacturing sector serves as a model for how strategic policies and incentives can transform a nation’s industrial landscape.